EV Only Plan
(Separately Metered EV Time of Use)

This plan is created specifically for electric vehicle (EV) drivers who want to take advantage of very low off-peak charging rates outside of high-demand times when electricity is more costly to produce.

To take advantage of this special plan, be aware that some significant steps are required, including home electrical work that must be completed at your cost.

  • A separate EV meter used only for vehicle charging must be installed in your home.

  • While installation of the EV meter is free, a licensed electrician must perform necessary wiring work and install a new meter-can before Evergy can install your secondary meter. The cost of this electrician work is paid by the customer. Unfortunately, it is not possible to estimate the cost of this work since it varies depending on your home's electrical setup.

  • An inspection is required; Evergy will not install your separate EV meter until the electrician's work has passed city and/or county inspections.

This process may take weeks to months to complete and be aware that several home visits will be necessary.

Once these steps are completed, you can take advantage of this Separately Metered EV Time of Use plan. Be aware that the rest of your home’s energy usage will be on a different plan of your choosing.

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How does the EV rate work?

The cost of generating energy varies by time of the day, day of the week and by season. Providing that power costs less during off-peak times, so we pass the savings onto you for your daily EV charging. You’ll charge your EV at a lower per kilowatt hour charge during off-peak and super off-peak times. Plus you always save on weekends and holidays.

How to get started

You reviewed this plan information and decided you're ready to save even more on fueling your electric vehicle? Here’s how to get started...

  1. Contact us and a representative will help you complete the steps required to install a secondary meter for your EV only at your home
  2. Once your meter is installed, you can start charging your EV at an extreme discount. Don't forget to charge outside of 4-8 pm!

What are the benefits? Shifting EV charging and other home energy usage to off-peak times when there are more renewable sources available not only saves you money, it also helps advance our region's commitment to sustainability and further reduces your carbon footprint.

Not sure if this plan is right for you? Check out our other plan options. And remember, you can try the plan and switch to another plan if it's not for you. 

How else can I save money on energy?   Take advantage of our discounts, set your thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer and lower in the winter and take our quick-and-easy Energy Analyzer survey to get a customized energy-savings report for your home.


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EV Charging Rebate

Taking advantage of the EV Only Plan for your EV? You should check out our EV charging rebate too. It never hurts to save more!
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